The Best FREE Traffic Sources for New Websites


Best FREE Traffic Sources for New Websites

The Best FREE Traffic Sources for New Websites

  - New websites struggle to get traffic. If you have money it's easy. All you have to do is find the best ad platform where your target audienceis and just pay for ads. But if you don't have money where can you find free traffic sources? Hey everyone, I'm Abbasali and today I'm going to break down the best free traffic sources for new websites.If you stick around till the End i have Special bonus for you.

 Before we get started make sure you follow this blog, and The first best free traffic source, 

First Post on free website with backlinks to your content, This way you use the already established site to promote your content

Second Socials Post your content of Social Platforms where your visitors are such as, pinterst are just few examples you get valuable back links as well as you promote your content to your desired readers.

  The Third source of traffic that you can get is by offering a free Udemy course. According to SimilarWeb, Udemy gets over 68million visitors a month. That's a lot of traffic. The cool thing about people that are on Udemy is they're always looking to learn new things. You can give away a free course, all the PDFs, the workbooks, the checklists, the downloadable's, and host them on your site. That way people from Udemy will then go over to your site. It's a great way, plus those people are super engaged. When someone watching a five, 10, 20, 30-minute video on Udemy and they're learning, you bet that when they go over to your site they're much more likely to convert because they're super engaged. You're building amazing connection, amazing rapport with them. You're also building the trust. That's going to help also convert those visitors into customers as well.

The Forth traffic source I have for you, podcast tours. You're probably wondering, podcast tours? I don't want to put apodcast on my website. I'm not telling you to go out there and create your own podcast, but there's a lot of other podcasts out there that do interviews with other people. Look for all those podcasts. You can look at the iTunes Store, you can look at Google because Google now indexes podcasts.

 Search for ones that interview a lot of other people. Pitch them to be on their show, and talk about what you can offer to their audience that'll be valuable. Now, during your interview make sure you share your URL, your website, and give them something for free that they can get on your website so that way they have to go to your site.

 It gives them a reason versus just being like ah, I'm too lazy to type in the URL. But when you give them something really good, they'll go to your website and you'll start converting all those podcast listeners into visitors. And that'll turn into email addresses, consulting calls, and even sales for your products or services.

The fifth traffic source ,Pinterest and Tailwind Tribes. So, you've all seen Pinterest. They're publicly traded now. They're really huge, and when you're on Pinterest you want to get a ton of Pins. because the more Pins you have the more attention it draws, and the more people that'll be coming to your site in the long haul. So, here's what I want you to do with Pinterest. I want you to look for boards with already 20 Pins on them each. If you look for boards that already have 20 Pins, you're likely to do better using this strategy. Then you'll need to add some images. And you can create themon for free, and point those images to your best blog articles. Now, when you do this that image has to be related to your blog article.

You can't just post up dog images on Pinterest and say hey, check out my marketing articles. That's not going to work. But if it's relevant it will work. Then you'll need to subscribe to Tailwind's free trial account, no credit card required, and then next step is you want to click Find a Tribe tab and start looking for tribes within your niche. You just have to type in keywords and you'll find tons of them. And all you have to do is share the best content from other members in these tribes, and then others will start sharing yours too. By doing this you'll start seeing more and more Pins, that'll get you a higher chance of getting more people to your own site. It works super well. 

The key to doing this is you want to share 30 to 50 Pins a day. That'll allow you to do really well, and here's a trick. Tailwinds allows you to schedule them so that way you don't have to do them all at once.  Remember, 

Note Facebook wants people to stay on their platform so the articles won't do as well as videos. But if you're using videos you need to make sure you're telling people where they can go on yoursite to get the extra goodies. That's how you're going to get that free traffic from Facebook. All right, so I know I just went over a lot of tactics and you're probably overwhelmed.

 If you need someone to do it for you you can check out to me by commenting here or reaching out to me via mailing on, but here's what . If you enjoyed the article do  follow and share this with your friends,  Thank you for Reading.  

As a Bonus Here is my Ebook on 6 Free Traffic methods for Free


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