Creating Videos Like a Genius


Creating Videos Like Genius

Creating Videos Like a Genius

Many people believe that making videos requires a lot of technical skill, particularly those who have software that is difficult to use, such as Adobe After Effects. However, your typical video doesn't need these expensive effects added. The next Lord of the Rings film is not what you're aiming to make. advertising movies  should be direct and concise.

To do it, you must first ask yourself a few fundamental inquiries.

1. What's the point of your video, exactly?

2. Is it used only for online marketing on platforms like YouTube?

3. Does it serve as a sales page?

4. Will you be selling an educational video?

Different video formats call for various video production techniques, including

elements (such images, videos, voiceovers, music, etc.) and various techniques.

Here are some examples of the various kinds of videos you might want to make:

1. Marketing Video - A marketing video is one that is used to advertise a certain product on websites like YouTube. Consider this kind of video to be a television commercial.

2. Sales Page Video - A sales page video also known as Video Sales Letter (VSL for Short) resembles a hybrid ofboth a television advertisement and a movie trailer. Its goal is to pique interest in potential Customers, provide some basic product information and support in the selling procedure. You can also upload a sales page video to websites. Similar to YouTube, but given its nature, it won't be as successful without the sales page's assistance.

3. Instructional Video - There are normally two reasons to make an educational/Instructional video. It's either intended to be a free video shared on platforms like YouTube to drive traffic, or it's intended to be offered for sale in some way.

(For instance, on Udemy, Click Bank, or a membership website.)

4. Video Blog Posts: You might wish to make a vlog post that could be instructive, enlightening, current business news, or an interview. It might be for someone, or it might just be fun.

Although there are other kinds of videos you could wish to create, these are the most common among marketers as a whole. Once you've decided on the style of video you want to make and its intended audience, By watching the video, you'll be able to select the ideal resources and tools for developing that perfect video.

Next article we will introduce the different easy to use tools available  to make your perfect video. Till Then Abbasali Signing off from aarc marketing.


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